earth / cube / hexahedron (6) / physical / root / traditional / earth / green / genetic / nature





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"Tree of Planets"


#planetary tree, #genesis,

#7 day week, #sphere 12+13,

#veil of illusion

    see also oracle: card 011    

"Ankh Tree"


#ankh, #male/female balance,

#eternal life, #life and death,

#sacred marriage


"Polarity of Truth"


#truth, #corruption,

#inequality, #death machine,

#13 moons of peace, #equality


"Gregorian Feudalism"


#hierarchy, #domination,

#historical time spell, #gods of war,

#dark ages system of thought


"Geometric Equinox Year"


#tree of life in time, #13,

#geometric 28, #spring equinox

#as above so below


"Days of Sun"


#initation, #sunday,

#merkabas, #alignment

#crystal consciousness


"Ankh Tree codes"


#11:11, #galactic attunement,

#code sequence, #inner/outer,

#sphere 12+13


"Ankh Tree Key Hole"


#portal, #freedom,

#unlock, #awakening,

#turn the key



"Bom Bom !"


#prayer, #earth peace,

#om mani padme hum, #invocation,



"Earth Passport"


#sovereign, #truth, #reality,

#galactic citizens, #no borders from space,

#seal of the 19 year flower


"Degrees per day"


#alchemy, #astronomy,

#planets, #the sun, #the moon, #the earth,

#7 pointed star, #ancient wisdom


"Rune clock"


#precision, #geometric clock time,

#ancient science, #perfect equinox hours,

#elder futhark, #runes


"Earth Flower"


#jewel of the cosmos, #our home,

#19 years cycle, #flower of life,

#mamma africa perspective




#protective energy fields, #resonance,

#no way out no way in without LOVE,

#epic galactic story of human origins


"0 deg. Aries - Set in Stone"


#fixed zodiac, #hipparchus,

#age of aries, #dedicated to war god,

#unconscious, #conspiracy


"1260 Alignment"


#gregorian time lock, #hidden

#secrets of the ages, #age of aries,

#war god followers


"As above - So below"


#oceans of earth, #oceans of cosmos,

#galactic mirror, #tropics,

#capricorn, #cancer


"Crop Circle codes"


#time codes, #extra-terrestrials,

#arcturians, #light ships,

#revealing the mystery


"Pontifical Biblical"


#the unholy alliance, #papal bullshit,

#hypocrisy, #domination,

#masculine ruled empire


"Gregorian calendar"


#slavery, #his-story, "fiction,

#ignorance, #un-scientific,

#dammed to hell, #born a sinner


"Govern Menti"


#psywar, #mind control,

#tell u vision, #prison population,

#6 o'clock news


"Reformed Year of 12"


#just playing with ideas, #alternatives,

#solar system based months,

#sun day/summer, #moon night/winter


"Hidden in plain sight"


#more secrets, #under our noses,

#march original 1st month,

#proof, #beyond shadow of doubt


"Today, Yesterday or Tomorrow"


#error in time, #lost science,

#dysfunctional, #ignoring the facts,

#why settle for mediocre


"True or False"


#perfect round wheel, #industrial revolution,

#world depends on invention,

#time science ignored


"Fractal Reality"


#fractal equation, #formula of nature,

#branches of a tree, #sustainable,

#permaculture, #ecological truth


"Chrono - Gravitas"


#the gravity of the shituation, #eat the apple,

#know the truth for yourself, #eden,

#gnosis, #change your time change your mind
